You activated Isolator++ Professional successfully!

You can now start to unit test. Here’s how:

First step: Creating a Unit Test Project
1. Open Visual Studio, click ‘File’ and create a new ‘Native Unit Test Project’. This will create the unit test project, class and method.

2. Add Typemock References:

On ‘Project’ click on ‘Properties’.

a) Include the .h file:
Under the C/C++ General section, in the Additional Include Directories add:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Typemock\Isolator++\include\ForTests

b) Include lib:

Under the Linker Input Section, in the “Additional Dependencies” add:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Typemock\Isolator++\bin\IsolatorCore.lib”

Note: for 64bit use: “$(ProgramFiles)\Typemock\Isolator++\bin\x64\IsolatorCore.lib”

c) Copy dll to output:
Under Build Events, Post-Build Event, add this Command Line:
copy “C:\Program Files (x86)\Typemock\Isolator++\bin\IsolatorCore.dll” “$(TargetDir)”

Note: for the 64 bit version copy the dll from the x64 folder

Second Step: Writing Isolated Unit Tests:
1. In the unit test class add the following:
2. Write your test using these three parts:
a) Arrange – setup behavior of your fakes
b) Act – call your code
c) Assert – check that your code works

3. Remember to always add ISOLATOR_CLEANUP() After every test.

Simple test Examples
in the following examples we use the following methods of class Person:

1. In this example, we both change the behavior of the public method, and assert it was called.

2. In this example, we fake the private overloaded method CanPing

For more information, visit our documentation here.